
Through the 'Understanding of the World' strand of the EYFS curriculum, the children are introduced to basic scientific knowledge and are encouraged to ask questions about the world we live in. 


The teaching and curriculum for science then follows the topics and objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Where possible we aim to link the science learning to the overarching theme of the half term.


In Key Stage 1, we develop the children's scientific knowledge and understanding through a thematic approach linked to driver for the half term. This gives the children the opportunity to explore scientific concepts using their contextual understanding. An example of this would be Year 2 - The Great Fire Of London. During this topic, the children will explore materials used to build houses during the fire compared to the present day, exploring the reasons for the fire spreading so quickly. 


In Key Stage 2, we block science into a substantial time period each half term. By doing this the children are given the opportunity to become immersed in the unit of work, building on prior knowledge from the day before and using the key vocabulary set out in the vocabulary progression document. During the year, each year group will use science as the driver for the learning in a half term. This will be accompanied by a high-quality text.  The driver is usually a scientific concept or topic which is only taught once in the curriculum.  By making this unit the driver we aim to ensure that subject knowledge is retained. 


KS2 Drivers

Year 3 - Light

Year 4 - Animals including humans digestive system

Year 5 - Space

Year 6 - Evolution and inheritance 


Key Vocabulary

We aim in all subject areas to develop the children's vocabulary. For each unit, the children will be assigned a glossary of terms which we expect the children to know, use and be able to spell by the end of the unit. The vocabulary is a progressive expectation which builds on the words learnt in previous units. 



Science Year 6.pdf .pdf
Science Year 5.pdf .pdf
Science Year 4.pdf .pdf
Science Year 3.pdf .pdf
Science Year 2.pdf .pdf
Science Year 1.pdf .pdf


Through the 'Understanding of the World' strand of the EYFS curriculum, the children are introduced to basic scientific knowledge and are encouraged to ask questions about the world we live in. 


The teaching and curriculum for science then follows the topics and objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Where possible we aim to link the science learning to the overarching theme of the half term.


In Key Stage 1, we develop the children's scientific knowledge and understanding through a thematic approach linked to driver for the half term. This gives the children the opportunity to explore scientific concepts using their contextual understanding. An example of this would be Year 2 - The Great Fire Of London. During this topic, the children will explore materials used to build houses during the fire compared to the present day, exploring the reasons for the fire spreading so quickly. 


In Key Stage 2, we block science into a substantial time period each half term. By doing this the children are given the opportunity to become immersed in the unit of work, building on prior knowledge from the day before and using the key vocabulary set out in the vocabulary progression document. During the year, each year group will use science as the driver for the learning in a half term. This will be accompanied by a high-quality text.  The driver is usually a scientific concept or topic which is only taught once in the curriculum.  By making this unit the driver we aim to ensure that subject knowledge is retained. 


KS2 Drivers

Year 3 - Light

Year 4 - Animals including humans digestive system

Year 5 - Space

Year 6 - Evolution and inheritance 


Key Vocabulary

We aim in all subject areas to develop the children's vocabulary. For each unit, the children will be assigned a glossary of terms which we expect the children to know, use and be able to spell by the end of the unit. The vocabulary is a progressive expectation which builds on the words learnt in previous units. 



Science Year 6.pdf .pdf
Science Year 5.pdf .pdf
Science Year 4.pdf .pdf
Science Year 3.pdf .pdf
Science Year 2.pdf .pdf
Science Year 1.pdf .pdf