
In EYFS, the children find out about past and present, people, culture and communities as part of their 'Understanding of the World'. 

In Key Stage 1, we teach history using a thematic approach linked to the overarching theme of the topic.

In Key Stage 2,  we teach history in chronological order beginning with the Stone Age and finishing with WW2. Also in each year group, we compare and contrast the chronology of British history with that of other civilisations around at the same time. An example of this would be the Anglo Saxons and the Golden Age of Baghdad. We do this so that children are able to compare and contrast the living conditions and the significant contributions to the world of Britain in comparison to other civilisations in a different part of the world.


In Key Stage 2, we teach History in a 3-week block. We do this so that the children are immersed in the history unit of work and are given the space and opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of significant historical time periods. 



History Overview

Year 1 - What toys did my grandparents play with?, Victorian Christmas, Famous explorers and How has Oldham changed?

Year 2 - Florence Nightingale, The Great Fire of London, The First Moon Landing and Neil Armstrong and famous people who have changed the world (Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi).

Year 3 - The Stone Age to the Iron Age, The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Greeks. 

Year 4 - The Romans, The Anglo Saxons and The Islamic Civilisation.

Year 5 - The Vikings, The Normans, The English Civil War.

Year 6 - The Victorians, World War 1 and World War 2.