
In EYFS, the children find out about people, culture and communities and the natural world through the 'Understanding of the World' strand of the EYFS curriculum.

in Key Stage 1, we teach geography using a thematic approach linked to the overarching theme of the topic.

In Key Stage 2, we teach Geography in a 3-week block. We do this so that the children are immersed in the geography unit of work and are given the space and opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of specific geographical concepts, continents and world issues such as climate change.


The rationale below explains in more detail the 3 phrases of the geography curriculum in Key Stage 2



Geography Overview

Year 1 - The United Kingdom and Hot and Cold countries.

Year 2 - Africa 

Year 3 - The United Kingdom and Biomes around the world.

Year 4 - Europe and River and the Water Cycle

Year 5 - South America and The Rainforest and Deforestation 

Year 6 - The Indian Subcontinent and Volcanoes and Earthquakes.