Curriculum Intent Statement
As a school, we have considered the starting points of all our pupils to create a bespoke curriculum which meets the needs of the children, our school and our locality. This includes a significant focus on the development and acquisition of vocabulary and a rigorous approach to the development of reading throughout the school. We present our children with an expansive curriculum, rich in the development of long-term knowledge, aimed at ensuring that children are given a secure understanding of the world in which they live and how civilisations from the past have impacted our way of life. We also provide our children with a well-planned programme of experiences aimed at developing their cultural capital and aspirations for the future.
We ensure that we provide a progressive and coherent curriculum that builds on prior knowledge, creating links across the curriculum, to embed learning. We expect the highest outcomes for all pupils including those with specific SEND needs. We immerse the children in a wealth of high-quality texts to ensure that they are reading widely and are exposed to good language models. Alongside this, we deliver our lessons in a way in which children are given the best opportunity to retain the information from the topic.
Some curriculum disciplines are taught in larger intensive blocks. By doing this we allow the children time and space to be immersed in the learning, vocabulary, and text. This gives them opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers and discuss key concepts as a class at an in-depth level. Throughout lessons, we encourage the children to think independently and present their knowledge in a variety of different ways developing both written and oral skills. As a school, we expect the highest standards for the pupils in everything they do.
All the children, throughout their time in the school, will be exposed to a broad and rich curriculum aimed at developing their cultural capital, knowledge, and aspirations for the future. As they leave us and move on to the next stage in their education, we want them to be confident and resilient learners who are ready to confidently face the many challenges that will arise as they become the citizens of the future.
Curriculum Intent Statement
As a school, we have considered the starting points of all our pupils to create a bespoke curriculum which meets the needs of the children, our school and our locality. This includes a significant focus on the development and acquisition of vocabulary and a rigorous approach to the development of reading throughout the school. We present our children with an expansive curriculum, rich in the development of long-term knowledge, aimed at ensuring that children are given a secure understanding of the world in which they live and how civilisations from the past have impacted our way of life. We also provide our children with a well-planned programme of experiences aimed at developing their cultural capital and aspirations for the future.
We ensure that we provide a progressive and coherent curriculum that builds on prior knowledge, creating links across the curriculum, to embed learning. We expect the highest outcomes for all pupils including those with specific SEND needs. We immerse the children in a wealth of high-quality texts to ensure that they are reading widely and are exposed to good language models. Alongside this, we deliver our lessons in a way in which children are given the best opportunity to retain the information from the topic.
Some curriculum disciplines are taught in larger intensive blocks. By doing this we allow the children time and space to be immersed in the learning, vocabulary, and text. This gives them opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers and discuss key concepts as a class at an in-depth level. Throughout lessons, we encourage the children to think independently and present their knowledge in a variety of different ways developing both written and oral skills. As a school, we expect the highest standards for the pupils in everything they do.
All the children, throughout their time in the school, will be exposed to a broad and rich curriculum aimed at developing their cultural capital, knowledge, and aspirations for the future. As they leave us and move on to the next stage in their education, we want them to be confident and resilient learners who are ready to confidently face the many challenges that will arise as they become the citizens of the future.