Mather Street, Failsworth, Manchester M35 0DT


Additional Activities for all the family

Activity Booklets

 EYFS summer booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 1 summer booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 2 summer booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 3 summer booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 4 summer booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 5 summer booklet.pdfDownload
 Year 6 summer booklet.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Addition and Subtraction Activities

An overview of addition and subtraction - if your child is struggling, try some of the activities from earlier year groups. 

 Maths activities for parents.pdfDownload
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Access the videos at     http://ow.ly/lyOj50FEkha

Here are parent guides:

 1. A-guide-to-place-value.pdfDownload
 2. A-guide-to-subtraction.pdfDownload
 3. A-guide-to-multiplication.pdfDownload
 4. A-guide-to-division.pdfDownload
 5. A-guide-to-fractions.pdfDownload
 6. A-guide-to-algebra.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Websites to support reading at home during the summer holidays

https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/ - summer reading challenge from the Reading Agency

https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/   - free interactive books online

https://www.worldbookday.com/world-of-stories/  - free interactive books online

https://www.shedofbooks.com/  book recommendations

https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/ book recommendations

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ free e books and much more for teachers and children

http://www.shakespeareandmore.com/ book lists, planning and spelling programme

https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb free 30 day free trial

https://www.pobble365.com/ a daily image and teaching resources

https://www.onceuponapicture.co.uk/ images to inspire writing

https://www.storytimemagazine.com/subscription/halfprice/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0qz46djn6AIV2YBQBh009wJmEAAYASAAEgK5mvD_BwE half price subscription and free downloads

https://www.thephoenixcomic.co.uk/ first 4 issues for £1

https://storybird.com/ free trial

getepic.com - they do a free trial 

https://www.tckpublishing.com/free-ebooks-for-kids/ - links to free e-book sites for children

Here are some suggestions for all members of the family to learn together and have fun at the same time.


The Joy of Moving - Winter Games

In partnership with Oldham Athletic Community Trust, we are joining in with The Joy of Moving - Winter Games.

This pack has been designed for all the family to have fun. There are lots of different games to get everyone involved whilst you are at home! 

All you need to play is a small space, some willing participants and a small amount of equipment which can be made from everyday household items!

Share photographs of your challenges on social media and add @officalOACT in the Tweet so they can help celebrate your success.


 Joy of Moving Winter Games Pack_Final.pdfDownload
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Oldham Art Gallery

Art & Craft videos from Gallery Oldham which you may like to try at home.


Screen-free activities

 screen-free-activities- (1).pdfDownload
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Grammar activities (with answers) - even though the activities link to specific year groups, they can be used by different year groups as revision activities or challenges.

Grammar activities

 My Mixed Grammar Workout Y1.pdfDownload
 My Mixed Grammar Workout Y2 .pdfDownload
 My Mixed Grammar Workout Y3.pdfDownload
 My Mixed Grammar Workout Y4.pdfDownload
 My Mixed Grammar Workout Y5.pdfDownload
 My Mixed Grammar Workout Y6.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6