We want our children to look smart and feel proud of being a pupil at Mather Street.
It is the policy of the school that all children wear school uniform; it is simple, practical and inexpensive.
School uniform can be purchased at the main school office; school is the only provider of official uniform.
We sell jumpers, cardigans and book bags with the school emblem and the MY Schools Together logo on.
Jumpers are priced from £9.00
Cardigans are priced from £11.00
Book bags £4.00
Please ensure that all uniform has your child's name on it
The full uniform consists of:
- Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with the appropriate logo on
- White polo shirt
- Grey/black trousers or skirt/pinafore (tracksuit bottoms are not permitted)
- Plain black low-heeled sensible footwear
- Plain socks or tights (only 'school socks' are allowed - socks with ruffles are not permitted)
During the summer months/warmer weather, children can wear summer dresses or tailored shorts and a polo shirt.
We have clean, undamaged, recycled uniform available from our ‘bargain box’. Please ask a member of the office staff for more information.
PE Kits
School provides all children with a white t-shirt and black shorts for PE lessons.
Trainers or pumps are required for PE lessons.
General guidelines
· Analogue or digital watches may be worn. Smart watches are not allowed.
· Make up, false tan, false eyelashes and false and or painted nails are not allowed in school.
· Jewellery should not be worn except for only small, plain studs if children have pierced ears. If earrings cannot be removed, they should be covered with micropore tape during PE lessons.
· All children require a coat in school when the weather is changeable, cold or wet.
· On hot sunny days children should be protected from the sun when outdoors by wearing a hat or cap and wearing an appropriate SPF sunscreen that has been applied at home, or that they have brought to school to apply themselves.